Vivek Vahini


In the evolution of the earth extending over 20 lac years so far, man is the only animal having ability to think acquired during the period of evolution. How to use these ability in a scientific way. He learnt only during past 500 yrs, as a consequence & scientific development scientific attitude consists in believing-

  • There is a cause behind any work / effect may be physical or social.
  • If can be investigated and determined by human intelligence.
  • He there by understand that destiny has no role & play there in.
  • As a result he builds confidence in himself regarding shaping his own and socialist future. Realizing this development of scientific attitude due to growth of natural science and also social science due importance was given the cultivation of scientific attitude by mentioning it duty of every citizen in our constitution such citizens freed from the influence of contrary religious and social thinking can bring out the change in the social milieu appropriate to the development of society as a whole which is our aim. This obviously slow but sure process. This stresses the need of starting & spreading the Vivek Vahini activity more energetically.


In today's competitive and stressful life, people feel more insecure. The attraction for material things, the fascist, the attraction of the occupational life, the disloyalty of hard work, Expectation of more fruit in low labor are expected in humans. And because these expectations are not being fulfilled, depression, Nunungand is suffering. The result of all this is losing man's values ​​and values. The result of all this is human being is losing moral and ethical values.                 
         Therefore, it has become necessary for college students to develop pragmatic values ​​of patriotism, social commitment, social equality, gender equality, environmental awareness, detention of addiction, awareness of future, alertness on superstition, interest in scientific approach, love and faith of parents. Keeping this goal in mind, ‘Vivekvahini’ is the organization of professors and students. Various programs are implemented through this department throughout the year.

Objectives -

  • To develop scientific attitude..
  • Secularism constitutional meaning thinking and behavior.
  • Awareness about addiction and remedies to get rid of it.
  • Develop communication skills such as Decision making, Problem solving, Creativity communication.
  • To create a good human being.

Membership Criteria -

This is an organization of professors and students who are interested in shaping their life, adopting scientific attitude and thus attain there as well as society’s development. This cell will be created in the college with the consent of the principal. Criteria for becoming member of Vivek Vahini–

  • There is no membership fee.
  • Every day ½ hr. exercise and ½ hour reading other than prescribed for studies (Scientific Philosopher, Literature books)
  • No addiction had bad habits injurious to health.
  • Purchase khadi at least once a year to relate yourself to freedom movement and daily wages of poor workers

Working committee-

Principal Dr. P. R. Patil(President)

Prof. M. S. Divate(Chief Executive)

Prof. M. M. Mane(Deputy Executive)

Prof. A. D. Kamble(Member)

Mr. Vilas Patil(Student Organizer)

Projects of Vivekvahini -

Following programmes can be later throughout the year.

1.Oath taking ceremony after arranging the relevant & encouraging lecture the relevant & encouraging lecture from social leader. Oaths can be -

  • Once I will donate blood once/yr.
  • I will plant & rear one tree.
  • I will not see horoscope in Marriage.
  • I will purposely make one friend at least different religion.
  • I will read for ½ hr. general literature air other than prescribed for students.
  • I will keep away from injurious habits (addiction).
  • I will buy Khathi once year to relate my self to freedom struggle and the hand to mouth life of the poor of the country.

2.Visiting tours or /tracking in natural sites of Beauly.

3.Youth for scientific taper youth against miracle Demonstrating so called magic miracles explaining principle behind it Facilities for training are available in the District.

4.Pollution free Deepawali: - Discouraging or natural fire works and encouraging other activities as building replica castles, purchasing, books Scientific plays toys etc.

5.Dr Ambedkar’s death anniversary on 6th Dec. The students should read in Library continuously 6/12/18/hrs as possible.

6.31st Dec.- on this day at midnight ‘Happy New Year, will not eat Gutta ‘Happy New Year‘ will not drink hear, such slogans recited expressing determination for these view.

7.1st Jan.- Celebrating Welcome couples of intercast / religious marriages asking them to narrate their experiences and honoring them by giving a flower.

8.Other programmes

Observations of stars in the sky. Expressing your opinions in news papers. Road shows on the Death anniversaries of celebrities arrange yateras giving slogans of patriots is sing songs of patriotism etc. Contact to the centres of Vivek Vahini in other districts by corresponds. Put up wall papers giving information of discussion in ViviekVahini needy. Gratins of ‘Eklavya Puraskar’ to the Students who have achieved seen in Exam against all odds. (91 does not matter it marks are not more)

9.Programmes Conducted

1.Collection of Nirmalya -

Every year on Ganesh Festival the idols and Nirmalya (Waste adored materials) are consigned in the river due to which the river water gets mixed with various toxic chemicals and so the water gets polluted. The polluted water causes serious health hazards like eye and skin diseases, problems in respiratory system etc. Also it creates the problems to aquatic biota.

  • By arranging enlightenment rally villagers are being awakened about Environmental pollution. The villegers are appealed not to consign the Nirmalya in the river and donate it to Vivekvahini project.
  • Collection of Nirmalya - Chandgad village devotee are responded to this appeal and voluntarily donated the Nirmalya to the volunteers of Vivekvahini. The collected Nirmalya is used for the manufacture of vermicompost.
  • Pledge letters were filled up from the students about non-fireworks in Ganpati festival.
  1. A workshop was organized to make people aware about anti-superstitions Act. In this, the activists of the Andhashraddha Nirmulan Samiti explained the law through various miracles.
  2. A pragodhonkar lecture is organized for the students to develop a Scientific temparament. The lectures are organized on the subject of discrimination and humanism.

2.A workshop in Study Tour -

One day study tour was arranged for Vivekvahini students to study and to experience the surrounding nature and geographical events. In this picnic the students studied the life style and living standards of the people from surrounding area. They experienced the landscape, waterfall and natural scene in the hilly area. Also they enjoyed the companionship and coexistence with one another. A workshop was also arranged in this picnic for students to awaken them about social work.

3.An Elocution competition -

An elocution competition on ‘superstitions and scientific view’ was held for Vivekvahini students. The students spontaneously participated in the competition and presented their knowledge and skill with full calibrate, which helped for awakening the audience students.

4.Awakening about superstition -

In Chandgad city and surrounding villeges the handbills were distributed in which happening of miracle was claimed. In the hand bills they appealed to distribute 1000 such handbills to convert our luck good. They further appealed that if the same is not done then shocking thing will happen. So by Vivekvahini the people are awakened that this is against scientific view and also against the Indian constitution. The events noted in that handbills are fictitious stories. So by distributing clarification handbills , Vivekvahini volunteers have appealed the people not to offer their sacrifice for such fictitious stories.